

上帝也疯狂2 测试版爆人口玩法心得



相同的套路,相似的剧情,《上帝也疯狂2》完美的承袭了前作的优点,并将这种优点继续发扬光大,作为一部续集电影,在没有摒弃原有笑料的基础上,又加入了更多的笑点,使电影的搞笑程度迅速蹿升。 在经历了第一集丢可乐瓶的神奇冒险后,布希族人希又要再次踏上奇异的旅程,希的两个儿子在玩耍时不慎掉入了偷猎者的储水车中,希沿着储水车一路留e5a48de588b67a686964616f31333335313837下的痕迹追踪下去,在经历了中途一系列的误打误撞后,...

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Looked after the movie, I thought the movie must demonstrate is civilized VS is barbaric, lets the human carefully examine the modern civilization development again until now to human own influence. We saw in the movie what “the civilization” brings is the authority battle, is the war, is between the human and the human hostile ......Should we reconsider how regarding “the modern civilization”? The flat and thin piece begins the somewhat dim colored picture.The 80's flat and thin pieces look like the popular science film which we usually looked.Burning hot happy African scenery.The animals nearby the sunlight, the hay, the rivers run, caper.Then the leisurely and carefree world, the harmony is ubiquitous.Then the lens change to the busy modern civilization.The city very fast runs, people each other bustles about.Underwent Soviet's travel to let two kind of civilizations have the point of intersection, two each other separated parallel lines, connected mutually, hit in my heart the intense restlessness and ashamed.Compares with these chaste tribe leaders, our civilization obtained the electricity, the automobile, snatches, but has also lost nicely, sincere, unity.We are selfish, violence, narrow. In the heart the most gentle place is undergone thoroughly Soviet sincere and nicely is being moved.We have the most beautiful chaste mind originally, was we lost it.We have chosen our comfortable life, as far as possible seizes us to need, therefore gave up pure and happy.We chose have sieged oneself in the lock with the wall in, was defending our property, the thin number, has while convenient locked our heart.Therefore we gave up free and the natural air.We chose the style of speaking to be graceful, have an easy-going manner.But simultaneously we gave oneself have taken to bring with the serious social shackles.These days high ground are extravagant, enjoyed sunlight and the sentimental day recklessly is discarded crazily by us. In the primitive clan and tribe the human is simple, is good, between human and human harmony happiness, this is one kind of near ideal paradise countryside madrigal -like life.Because but we also watch in the movie triumphant to be unable with the outside person to communicate, has brought many “the trouble”.Inside this has a question to have to ponder similarly, how “they” should both maintain own fine tradition in the modern society, and can integrate to in the world which changes with each new day? At the same time, undeniable, the civilized step needs to continue to make great strides forward forward; On the other hand, the modern civilization cannot become buries human own sharp weapon, therefore while humanity more and more civilise, must maintain humanity's natural disposition.

上帝也疯狂2 的 20句经典台词

VOICEOVER: It looks like a paradise, but it is in fact the most treacherous desert in the world: The Kalahari.
After the short rainy season, there are many water holes, and even rivers. But after a few weeks, the water sinks away into the deep Kalahari sand. The water holes dry up and the rivers stop flowing. The grass fades to a beautiful blond colour that offers excellent grazing to the animals.
But for the next nine months, there'll be no water to drink. So, most of the animals move away, leaving the beautiful blond grass uneaten.
Humans avoid deep Kalahari like the plague because man must have water to live. So the beautiful landscapes are devoid of people, except for the little people of the Kalahari-- pretty, dainty, small and graceful -- the Bushmen.
While any other person would die of thirst in a few days, they live quite contentedly in this desert that doesn’t look like desert. They know where to dig for roots and bugs and tubers and which berries and pods are good to eat.
And of course they know what to do about water.
For instance, in the early morning, you can collect dewdrops from leaves that were carefully laid out the previous evening.
Or a plume of grass can be a reservoir.
lf you have the know-how, an insignificant clump of twigs can tell you where to dig and you come to light with an enormous tuber. You scrape shavings off it with a stick that is split for a sharp edge. You take a handful of the shavings, point your thumb at your mouth and squeeze.
They must be the most contented people in the world.
They have no crime, no punishment, no violence, no laws, no ******, judges, rulers or bosses. They believe that the gods put only good and useful things on the earth for them to use. ln this world of theirs, nothing is bad or evil.
1. treacherous: 背叛的, 叛逆的, 奸诈的,危险的。这里取的是最后一个意思:危险的。电影开篇就介绍道:“这里看似天堂,其实是世界上最危险的沙漠。”
类似用法有:treacherous ice 看起来坚固而踏上去会破裂的冰,treacherous winding roads 危险的蜿蜒曲折的路,an unreliable trestle 危险的脚手架
2. rainy season: 雨季,又叫wet season,指某些一年中降水相对较多的月份。与此相对的是dry season(旱季),指在一年中降水相对较少的月份。
3. devoid: 缺乏的,空的。画外音介绍Kalahari“风景优美,却荒无人烟。”
类似用法:be devoid of ability 碌碌无为,be devoid of common sense 缺乏常识,be devoid of concern or sympathy 不关心的,不同情的, devoid of brightness 缺乏明亮或者吸引力
The house is totally devoid of furniture. 这所房子里什么家俱都没有。
The team is devoid of alternating attacks. 这个队缺少交叉进攻。
4. know-how: 专业技能,知识。这里指的是在沙漠中生存的技能。
5. clump of twigs: 一丛枝叶。clump是“一丛,一团”的意思,如 a clump of earth(一团泥土),a clump of bushes (一丛灌木)。twig是“小枝, 嫩枝”的意思,如snap off a twig (啪地一下折断一根树枝)。
6. come to light: 字面意思是“变明亮”e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333365653936,引申为“被发现,众所周知, 变得明确,使人知道”,这里可以译成“如果你有常识,这种不起眼的树丛会让你发现一块极大的块茎。“
New evidence has recently come to light. 新证据最近才为人知。
A political scandal has recently come to light. 最近一桩政治丑闻暴露出来。
7. shaving: shave这个动词的意思是刮,剃,刨,shaving是名词,指的是刨花、削片(被削下的一薄片或碎片,如木头或金属的)。
8. a handful of: 一把,少数,一小撮,例如a handful of militarists (一小撮军国主义分子),a handful of rice(一把米)。
A handful of common sense is worth Bushel of learning. 一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。
A dull professor may have only a handful of students. 蹩脚的教授讲课,听众寥寥无几。
Only a handful of people were dead set on following him. 死心塌地跟他走的只是一小撮。