合金装备5幻痛 哪些动物没抓过
Capture Cage = put a capture cage in the area, then extract via Chopper (not via back to ACC!)
Rare and super rare=你可能要去那里几次。
Name Rarity possible location
Rennmaus 5common everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa] [Afganistan]
Long-eared Hedgehog
Langohriegel 4uncommon everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
Four-toed Hedgehog
Weißbachiegel 4uncommon everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Afghan Pika
Rötlicher Pfeilhase 3 Rare [Afganistan] [Africa] [Capture Care] [Pickup]
Common Raven
Kolkrabe 5common everywhere [Afganistan] [Africa] [Fulton] [Pickup]
Trumpeter Hornbill
Tropmpeterhornvogel 5common everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa]
Black Stork
Schwarzstorch 3 Rare [Afganistan] [Afrika] [Capture Cage]
Oriental Stork
Orientalisscher Weißstorch 5common Aabe Shifap Runis [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Pickup]
Djehuti 1Ultra Rare [Mission] [Pickup] [Africa]
Griffon Vulture
Gänsegeier 5common Qarya Sakhra Ee [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Capture Cage]
Lappet-faced Vulture
Ohrengeier 5common Kungenga Mine and Northeast of Mfinda Oilfield [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Martial Eagle
Kampfadler 3 Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Karakul Sheep
Karakulschaf 5common Wakh Sind Barracks [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Day]
Cashmere Goat
Kaschmirziege 5common [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Day]
Nubian Goat
Anglo-Nubier-Ziege 5common North of Bwala ya Mase [Africa] [Fulton]
Boer Goat
Burenziege 5common [Africa] [Fulton]
Wild Ass
Wildesel 5common Northeast of Mfinda Oilfield [Afganistan] [Africa] [Fulton] [Day]
Grant's Zebra 5common [Africa] [Fulton]
Okapi 2Super Rare [Africa] [Fulton]
Grey Wolf
Grauwolf 5common West of Qarya Sakhra Ee [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Night]
African Wild Dog
Africanischer Wildhund 3 Rare [Africa] [Fulton] [Night]
Side-striped Jackal
Steifenschakal 5common North of Nova Braga Airport [Africa] [Fulton] [Night]
Anubis 2Super Rare [Africa] [Mission] [Fulton]
Brown Bear
Braunbär 3 Rare Wakh Sind Barracks[Afganistan] [Night] [Fulton]
Himalayan Brown Bear
Himalayabär 2Super Rare [Afganistan] [Mission] [Fulton]
Gelber Mittelmeerskorpion 5common everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
Emperor Scorpion
Kaiserskropion 5common everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Oriental Ratsnake
Asiatische Rattenschschlage 4uncommon everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
Black Mamba
Schwarze Mamba 4uncommon everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Tsuchinoko 1Ultra Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Rainbow Agama
Siedleragame 4uncommon everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Namaqua Chameleon
Wüstenchamäleon 3 Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Leopard Gecko
Legopardgecko 5common everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
African Fat-tailed Gecko
Africanischer Krallengecko 5common everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa]
African Bullfrog
Africanischer Ochsenfrosch 3 Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Russian Tortoise
Russische Landschildkröte 4uncommon everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
Leopard Tortoise
Pantherschildkröte 4uncommon everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa]
Beckstein's Bat
Bechsteinfledermaus 5common everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
Rock Hyrax 3 Rare [Afganistan] [Capture Cage]
Tree Pangolin
Weißbauchschuppentier 2Super Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Sand Cat
Sandkatze 3 Rare [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
Karakal 2Super Rare [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
African Civet
Africanische Ziebetkatze 2Super Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Marsch Mongoose
Sumpfmanguste 2Super Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
Red Fox
Rotfuchs 3 Rare [Afganistan] [Capture Cage]
Blandford's Fox
Afghanfuchs 2Super Rare [Afganistan] [Capture Cage]
Honey Badger
Honigdachs 2Super Rare [Africa] [Capture Cage]
合金装备5幻痛怎么抓动物 抓动物有什么用
合金装备5 幻痛抓小动物有什么用
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